Self acceptance with Matilda
Vår Embrace Collection er en luksuriøs lounge / sportskolleksjon som understreker viktigheten av å virkelig omfavne deg selv. Enten du er på farten eller slapper av hjemme, har denne kollekjsonen blitt laget for å oppmuntre deg til å styrke deg selv og ta deg tid til egenkjærlighet og egenomsorg. Du er verdig, omfavne magien din og vær stolt av den du er!
Vi er så stolte over å ha med Matilda for denne kampanjen med et så viktig budskap bak seg. Matilda deler sin reise til selvaksept, selvkjærlighet og inspirerer oss til å virkelig begynne å legemliggjøre dette i vårt eget liv.

"I didn't just wake up one day, and out of the blue appreciate myself. I would rather say, I one day, made myself a promise to be kinder to myself. I made a promise to speak to myself without hatred or negativity. I made myself a promise to commit to the journey of self acceptance. A promise that would become of the toughest, most honest, vulnerable and also rewarding decisions.
Shifting the focus from what my body looks like, to how I feel and how my body feels, has made a big difference for me. Really being aware of how I'm feeling, tuning into my emotions. And allowing myself to feel everything deeply.
Because that's me, and that's how I feel. My body is my home. It should be my safe space. And for so many years, it wasn't. Now I make sure to applaud my body, for the things, I before would take for granted. I applaud it for getting out of bed everyday, for allowing me to hug my family, for making it possible for me to take walks outside in nature, where I feel like I breathe easier.
My body doesn't only give me the possibility to run, walk, jump. Thanks to my body I get to embrace the people I love. I get to laugh until my stomach hurts. I get to wipe the tears away, when I feel like everything is a little too heavy. And I also get to wipe my tears away, when there's tears of joy, relief, or simply because life is a little too beautiful for me to sometimes comprehend.
My body is my home. And a home requires love, patience and care. So this is a note to myself and anyone else who may need it.
You're enough. You're alive. You're needed. You're valuable. And I'm proud of you. Even when times are hard, you wake up. You breathe, you feel, you're alive. You're constantly changing, evolving, growing. Always moving forward. Even though it might not always feel like it. I'm proud of you for being you and for committing to yourself. You're in this relationship for life. And it's time to fully embrace yourself."