#AIMNTRIBE - Alice story

We asked Alice Stenlöf to share with us what she would say to her younger self.
"When I was a kid, I was often shy and afraid of nearly EVERYTHING.
I was permanently scared to fail and avoided uncomfortable situations.
I’ve never put my hand up in school to answer questions, I stayed home from school, when we had to speak in front of the class.
But some time, between then and now, I simply decided to dare things.
I came closer to the person I wanted to be.
A girl, who trusts in herself, follows her dreams and grows.
And I can tell you, the feeling of risking things and finally climbing out of your comfort zone is just SO NICE.
It is ok to fail, stand up again and be stronger than ever.
Be always nice to yourself, allow yourself to fail and never stop following your dreams.
Therefore, always aim high & dream big. "
Inspiring words by an inspiring woman! Thanks for sharing this with us. <3